Quarterly Business Meeting
We will be having a Quarter Business Meeting on Sunday, Jan 19th after the Worship Service. Please make plans to attend this meeting.
Be an Almond Joy
In Matthew 2:9-12, we learn that Joy beats stress, God is with us and we bring Joy to the world.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Red Cross will be at First Baptist Church on Thursday, Dec 26th from 12:00 to 5:00 to take life-giving blood. If you would like to...
Jesus is Our Hope
In Isaiah 9:1-6, we learn that Jesus is our HOPE!
Women's Luncheon
On Wednesday, December 18th, the Mary-Martha Mission Circle will be busy filling bags, having lunch and gift exchange. First, we will...
Prayer, Petition, Thanksgiving
Guest Pastor, Duane Vaughn, brought us a message from Philippians 4:4-7, emphasizing that we should rejoice at all times with thankfulness.
Instructions on Prayer
In 1 Timothy 2:1-6, we are reminded to pray for everyone so we may lead tranquil and quiet lives, also, that God wishes for all to be saved.
Choose to Believe
In Hebrews 12:1-2, we learn that faith is not a feeling, but that believing is a decision. Faith is a gift from Jesus.
Christian Selfies
In Esther 9 & 10, we learn about defeating evil, celebrating victory and how to finish the race.
Godly Courage Saves
In Esther 8:1-17, we see justice served. We also learn that it is our duty to fight against unbiblical teachings and in our praise to...