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From the Pastor Desk


Grace and peace to the congregation and friends of the First Baptist Church in Payette (FBCP). As Interim Pastor, it is my pleasure to provide you with some of our recent activities, and to share some thoughts on how we may make changes to our practices as we move forward.

First, I want to provide a summary of July’s accomplishments:

  1. The Congregation-Interim Pastor Covenant was finalized, with Phil Teintze, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Rev. Patti Duckworth, Acting Executive Minister of Mission Northwest, and myself signing the covenant. My position as Interim Pastor will conclude on 31 December 2024, unless it is mutually agreed to extend my term;

  2. The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast group conducted its Annual Ladies’ Dinner at Erika’s on July 11;

  3. The Men’s Discipleship Breakfast group changed its meeting days to the second and third Saturdays of each month. This decision eliminates any conflict with the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast on the fourth Saturday of the month;

  4. I have initiated a monthly schedule in which I plan to spend Fridays-Sundays on the second and fourth weekends of each month in Payette. This schedule allows me to:

    1. Have office hours from 1-4 pm on those Fridays;

    2. Attend the Men’s breakfasts on the following Saturdays;

    3. Conduct visitations as needed and help officiate communion to our shut-ins (something we plan to begin in August); and

    4. Have a presence in the community.

  5. Last, we started a sermon series on the Book of Ephesians. I plan to complete this series by the middle of August, preach 1-2 topical messages and then a short series of select Psalms.

Two of my duties as stated in the Congregation-Interim Pastor Covenant are (1) evaluate the state of FBCP, and (2) identify what “could and should happen in the future” of FBCP. Regarding the first, I believe the congregation of FBCP is comprised of mature believers who are warm and welcoming. They are aware of the need to plan for the future, especially with regards to attracting a younger generation to sustain FBCP into the future. This second duty is addressed in the following discussion. The Diaconate voted to form a Strategic Planning Committee of seven individuals. I envision this committee to be comprised of myself along with pairs of individuals from the Diaconate, the Board of Trustees and the congregation’s general population. Each of these pairs will be comprised of one man and one woman, with one being a member of FBCP for over ten years and one for less than ten years. The committee will be tasked with developing a three-year Strategic Plan that will address suggested actions leading FBCP into a vibrant future wherein various age groups will be represented. No doubt some of our preferences may be adjusted to accommodate our next generation. I believe the FBCP congregation understands it is time to revise some practices if the church is to remain relevant. To be sure, we will not compromise any biblical principles, and we will obey Jesus’ command, “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20) Toward this end, let’s be diligent to encourage each other as we undertake this needed endeavor.


                                                                                                                                                                     Yours in Christ, Pastor Steve, 31 July 2024

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