15 North 10th. St., Payette, Idaho 83661 (208) 642-2598
Study of Hebrews
Study on Hebrews
Introduction to Hebrews -part 1

The Introduction to Hebrews explains the five characteristics that are contained in Hebrews that uplift and exalt Christ in the life of the believer. It lays the foundation for the study of Hebrews for the next few weeks.
Introduction to Hebrews-part 2

The Introduction to Hebrews explains the five characteristics that are contained in Hebrews that uplift and exalt Christ in the life of the believer. It lays the foundation for the study of Hebrews for the next few weeks.
Affirmation, Angels, Admonition

This sermon gives an affirmation and an admonition to we who are saved. It affirms angels, the superiority of Jesus Christ, and warns us to learn from what this all teaches us. Neglect is our enemy from growth.
For a copy of the Five Characteristics in Hebrews, Pastor refers to in his sermons, click on where it says "Download."
Jesus, Our High Priest & Advocate

In this sermon, we look at how Jesus is enabled by becoming a Man to be our High Priest and Advocate. How He Prepares us for Eternity.
Believers Rest - Part 1

Believers Rest - Part 2

This passage highlights the three rests in the Scriptures. The rest of God after creation, the rest in salvation, and the final rest in heaven.
The Perfect High Priest

The Call to Spiritural Maturity

Do we lose our salvation if we get sluggish? Or is chapter six telling us to move on to maturity in our spiritual walk? Parts of this passage are controversial but the writer does not intend it to be that way.
The Forever High Priest

Chapter seven gives details on the superiority of Melchizedek's priesthood over that of Aaron's. Then it shows the superiority of Christ as our High Priest who lives forever and has made the once-for-all sacrifice for us all.
A Better Ministry Covenant

Hebrews 8
Contrast of the Two Covenants

Hebrews 9 - Part 1 (Due to time constraints and Pastor's sinus issues, He put the rest of the sermon off till next week)
Contrast of the Two Covenants

Hebrews 9 - Part 2
For a PDF copy of the
Contrast of the Old Covenant to the New Covenant and Map of Holy Place click Download.
A New and Living Way

Hebrews 10
The Rewards of Faith

Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter explaining the Victory and Encouragement to follow God without seeing Him but knowing He is leading and guiding all the way. I quote Corrie Ten Boom who said "Faith is the radar that sees through the fog." The faith-goal is a City built by God for His people.
You Are Being Watched

You Are Being Watched Sermon is about the great cloud of witnesses that are described in Chapter 11 of Hebrews being encouragers to us in our earthly race. The race is not about salvation but about our growth steadily in the Lord while here on earth.
Discipline for Our Good

Dicipline for Our Good, is a lesson in how we need correction and guidance in living our life. We find that God loves us so much that He is interested in helping us do what is right and just in and with our lives. As Eugene Peterson says, "it is a long obedience in the same direction." A view to victorious living!
An Unshaken Kingdom

An unshaken kingdom is about the future hope of All believers whetre the old covenant and fears of the Jews and Gentiles is replaced by the covenant of Jesus in forgiveness, cleansing, and power by the Holy Spirit. We are to grow, not shake, in our relationship with God, is the theme of Hebrews.
Let Love Continue

Hebrews 13 closes the book with a question by the author, "Do you still love me?" This message reviews the book and concludes with a grace blessing.